Thursday, November 22, 2012

Picking a Programming Language - Chart

Now that I finished the series on programming, I figured I would make some charts for it. This flowchart will help people pick a language. Click below to enlarge, or view it on Scribd. For more info, see the original post.

Update: After you pick a language, you might want to know how to learn it or how to find a web host.


  1. A concern of mine is the distinct lack of any mention of Perl on here. I have Perl skills that at least approach an intermediate level and am wondering if I should move on to Ruby or Python or just stick with Perl for interactive website development. I'd appreciate some educated insight into it.

    Nice post, BTW.

  2. You can run c# in almosts all hardware plataforms and OS thanks Miguel de Icaza mono c# free compiler. So you only need to sold your soul if you wish it

  3. I don't actually have much perl experience, but I don't think it would be a good first choice for beginners to learn nowadays. I don't know what someone with perl experience should do, but it's probably a good idea to learn another language anyways. You can read more in this Quora answer:

  4. Two omissions here on the right hand side ... iOS/iPhone (using Objective-C) and C/C++ for everything else (embedded, gaming, low level OS, etc.). Add that and it would be a big improvement.

  5. I'm only worried that someone will really pick a language based on this shitty chart.

  6. I think they're not the best language for a beginner to start with, though some may disagree.

  7. You forgot the choice: "Do you want to build an application that runs on Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone?" -> Yes -> Learn C#. Xamarin ftw. Or "Do you want to build a website with over a billion users like Facebook?" -> Yes -> Learn C++
